Unit1(a, t, s)/Pat a cake Facebook LINE コピー 2021.12.03 目次 Unit1Hand ClappingPat a cakeChantsFat cat sat on a mat with a rat.Tim took a taxi to buy a teapot.Santa with a mask is standing on the sand. Unit1 Hand Clapping Pat a cake Unit1 Pat a cake Chants Fat cat sat on a mat with a rat. https://eigo-blooming.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Unit1-1-a.mp4 Tim took a taxi to buy a teapot. https://eigo-blooming.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Unit1-2-t.mp4 Santa with a mask is standing on the sand. https://eigo-blooming.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Unit1-3-t.mp4